Career guidance in the Altynsarinsky district

Career guidance in the Altynsarinsky district

Career guidance work was carried out for 100 boys and girls in the village of "Bolshaya Churakovka", the village of Silantievka, the village of Shcherbakova on December 4, 2019. Svetlana PetrovnaBuzina, the Head of the "Curative Affair" and teacher Anar Zhetpisovna Kuzhakhmetova told about the specialties and qualifications in the College. They answered the questions of students: terms and form of training, employment opportunities. The information was brought to the students about the qualification "Applied bachelor of nursing", about the extended practice and powers of the nurse of this qualification. A video was shown and booklets were distributed.

Staff of the Altynsarinsky CRH has assisted in the organization of vocational guidance.

Mission of the College

►training of highly qualified specialists with a secondary medical education, competitive in the labour market, competent, responsible, humane, merciful and ready to continuous professional growth;

►satisfaction of demands of a person in the corresponding education, and also advanced training and retraining of medical workers.