General college parent meeting

General college parent meeting

A parent meeting was held on October 12 at college. The administration and curators of the study groups attended this parent meeting. 

The Deputy Director for EW E.A. Rusinova made a welcoming speech to her parents. She introduced the parents to the plans for the 2019-2020 academic years, about what path their children have to go at the last stage of college. E.A. Rusinova urged parents to take special control of class attendance and session preparation. 

Head of practical training I.E. Romaniuk spoke on the independent assessment of student knowledge. She introduced the parents to the Rules and the provision of this procedure. 

Heads of departments talked about the current affairs in the department: the composition of the department, the number of students, the number of applicants for a special diploma, raised issues of discipline, lateness, told about additional classes, and also noted students of activists. 

The Deputy Director for EW E.A. Rusinova raised the issue of the Anti-corruption culture: she provided information about the conditions of student learning on a paid and budgetary basis. She familiarized parents with the results of a student survey to identify elements of corruption in colleges. Students noted that they know what corruption is and that they were not participants in corruption situations, they also noted that they did not feel fear and discomfort when communicating with teachers. 

Parents went to the classrooms at the end of the general college meeting. The curators of the groups introduced them to student performance and conducted a tour of the college.

Mission of the College

►training of highly qualified specialists with a secondary medical education, competitive in the labour market, competent, responsible, humane, merciful and ready to continuous professional growth;

►satisfaction of demands of a person in the corresponding education, and also advanced training and retraining of medical workers.